This tool is designed to teach you how to create a search string using Boolean logic. Cut and paste the search string results into the search box of a library database or search engine.
Boolean Operators - The Boolean operators And, Or, and Not logically combine search terms:
Before you start searching
The keywords you use can have a profound impact on the results of your research. Using the “right” words will speed up the research process, while the “wrong” words can bring to it to a halt.
Before you can begin searching for information, you need to identify keywords related to your topic. Key terminology can be found by scanning:
Break down your question into keywords:
How is youth culture depicted in Chinese cinema?
Think of synonyms:
youth, teen*, adolescent, child*
cinema, film, movies
Chinese, China
Connect synonym using OR combine terms using AND:
(youth OR teen* OR adolescent OR child*) AND (cinema OR film OR movies) AND (China OR Chinese)