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Ebooks at Spence (Middle & Upper School) - Using Sora: Borrowing & Returning Ebooks

 Sora Ebooks at Spence (Middle & Upper School)

Borrowing Books

Q: How many audio and ebooks can I have out at one time?   

A: You can have a total of 3 books checked out at one time.

Q: How long can I keep the books I borrow?

A:You can can keep each book for 14 days at a time. At that point, the book will automatically be checked back in, unless you renew it.

Q: How can I borrow books?

A: Checking out books in Sora is really easy. Once you choose an available book, just click on the Borrow link. The book will be checked out to you and immediately download to your device.


Q: Bummer!  Someone else already checked out the book that I was hoping to read!  Can I put it on Hold?

A: Yes!  Just select Place Hold.  You can then click on Wait List  to determine where you are in line.


Q: How can I tell what I have checked out right now and when those books are due back?

A: Easy!  undefined

Just click on Shelf. On the Shelf, you can see what books you have out, what you currently have on Hold, any Lists you're maintaining, and a log of your Sora activity.




Renewing Books

If you need more time to finish a book, you can renew it starting three days before it's due with these steps:

  1. Go to shelf.
  2. Select Loans.
  3. Select Options.
  4. Select Renew, then select Renew again.

Returning Books

Books are automatically returned on their due date.

If you finish a book early, you can return it before it's due with these steps:

  1. Go to shelf.
  2. Select Loans.
  3. Select Options.
  4. Select Return, then select Return again.