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Ebooks at Spence (Middle & Upper School) - Using Sora: For Kindle Users

 Sora Ebooks at Spence (Middle & Upper School)

How to Make Kindle Your Reading Device in Sora

You can make Kindle your preferred reading device in Sora.

  1. Go to menu icon > Device settings.
  2. Under "Reading device," click or tap in Sora.
  3. Click or tap on my Kindle (U.S. only).

With this setting, you'll go to Amazon right after borrowing a compatible ebook. From there, you can finish sending the ebook to your Kindle.

If you want to download a book to Sora too, you'll have to manually download it (even if you have automatic downloads on).

How to Find Kindle Books in Sora

You can send most ebooks to Kindle after you borrow them in Sora. This option is only available for schools in the U.S.

To check if an ebook is available for Kindle: 

  1. Click or tap the book's cover to see its details screen.
  2. Select More details.
  3. Look for "Supports: Kindle (U.S. only)."


To find ebooks that are available for Kindle when browsing, you can:

  • Filter a single collection or search results:
    1. Click or tap refine.
    2. Select Compatibility.
    3. Select Kindle.
  • Set a preference to filter all books in Sora:
    1. Select Preferences (at the top of the explore screen).
    2. Click or tap Sora next to "Compatibility."
    3. Select Kindle (U.S. only).
    4. Select Apply.
    Note: If you set a Kindle preference, you won't see any audiobooks when you browse or search.

How to Send Ebooks to Kindle

You can send most borrowed ebooks from Sora to Kindle. This option is only available for schools in the U.S.

  1. Go to shelf.
  2. Select Loans.
  3. Select Options.
  4. Select Send to device.
  5. Select Send to Kindle (U.S. only) to go to Amazon.
  6. From Amazon, you can finish sending the ebook to your Kindle:
    • If you're signed into Amazon, choose your device from the "Deliver to:" menu. Then, select Get library book.
    • If you're not signed into Amazon, select Get library book and sign in. Then, choose a device to deliver the book to.
    • Select Close in the top-right corner to go back to Sora.

You can also make Kindle your preferred reading device in order go to Amazon right after you borrow ebooks.