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2023 Spring - Grade 8 Science - Life Cycle Analysis Project: Your Assignment

Your Assignment

As we lean about natural resources and sustainability, we will learn that everything we use and possess ultimately comes from the Earth, and there is now "away" when we discard something. You and your partner's task is to take an everyday object (you will be assigned an object), and learn in detail about how it is made, included the the environmental and human impacts along the way, and what happens when you're done with it. As you conduct your research, always check in with - and ultimately answer - this essential question:

What can we do as consumers to make a positive difference, based on the learned human and environmental impacts of creating and disposing these objects?

Research Requirements

You will be gathering and synthesizing information on the following:

Origin of Primary Materials 

  • Include detailed geographic information about the origin of your object’s raw materials.
  • Include detailed information about how raw material is extracted/harvested/collected.
  • Address in detail specific impacts - positive and/or negative -  of raw material collection on the environment. 
  • Address in detail human/cultural impacts - positive and/or negative - of collecting raw material(s).
  • Address whether the raw materials is renewable or not.
  • Address several properties of the raw material and why is it suitable for making your object.

Processing of Materials

  • Includes detailed geographic information about major processing locations, specifically the top three (is possible) countries of processing with a map of some kind on your poster to illustrate this (Note: this could be combined with the geographic information relating to origin if it makes sense for your object. Sometimes the origin of materials is the same location as the processing of materials, but sometimes those locations are different)
  • Discuss in detail how the raw material is processed/refined into the working material
  • Discuss in detail how the final product is created/manufactured from the working material 
  • Discuss several environmental impacts of processing/refining the working material 
  • Discuss human/cultural impacts - positive and/or negative - of creating your object
  • Discuss the fate of waste materials and byproducts

Fate of Final Product

  • Address in detail the use(s) of the final product
  • Classify the final product in terms of whether it is reusable
  • Identify whether the product is recyclable and describe the recycling process in detail
  • If not recyclable, describe the fate and environmental impacts of its disposal (Note: If your object ends up in the trash, you need to describe the process from garbage truck to landfill. If your object ends up being excreted from humans, you need to describe the process of human waste to waterway) Identifies and explains in detail the use(s) of the final product; Images must be included along with appropriate captions.

Current Event Requirement

  • You must find and include a "current event" story that is related to a human or environmental impact related to the raw materials extraction, processing/manufacturing or fate of the object after being discarded.

A few notes: 

  • Ms. Crow is available to help with research needs
  • Your Earth Science teacher will help you answer questions related to scientific aspects of your research. For example, finding information related to properties, environmental impacts and human/cultural impacts sometimes requires a little assistance.
  • You will be collecting information from many sources, including your peers, as part of this project. You will have the same object as a student in your class! You are encouraged to work together to gather research, but this process must be equitable!  You are only reaching out to a peer with the same object if you are having difficulty finding information, e.g. you are encouraged to ask if they think that your source is legitimate. To clarify: You may consult one another, but you may not share work. Plagiarism will be taken very seriously. 
  • This project will take a significant amount of time, so plan your time accordingly!